Hypnosis for Stopping Smoking

Hypnosis for Stopping and Quitting Smoking

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Many people find it extremely difficult to stop smoking. However, science shows that hypnotherapy is an effective tool to help you kick the habit for good. 

Hypnotherapy to quit smoking

Many people find using hypnotherapy for stopping smoking an effective treatment. The method works to break the negative thinking patterns and associated behaviours associated with smoking; like smoking after a meal, when drinking and to relieve stress. It is these negative thoughts and behaviours that often prevent people from successfully giving up. Quitting does not deal with the underlying issues.

Hypnosis can help you quit cigarettes by addressing the psychological aspects of your addiction and looking into your underlying motivations for smoking. So, when a person makes the decision to stop smoking, the key aspect is to let go of the routine and change how they view cigarettes. Breaking an addiction like this is a challenge; it won’t be easy, especially if it is a lifelong habit, and changing how you think about something can be difficult.

Hypnotherapy focuses on change. At Tower Counselling we support you and guide you through the motions, you are no longer alone in trying to quit. 

When considering hypnosis to stop smoking, the first thing to do is to make sure you are ready and are choosing to quit for yourself and not someone, or something, else. Hypnotherapy for smoking has been found to be most effective when the person really wants to quit and is determined in succeeding.

Why stop smoking?

Smoking increases the risk of developing a wide range of dangerous and harmful health conditions and diseases. Unfortunately, the smoking does not only harm you as the smoker, it can also have a negative impact on the people around you. If smoking around children and babies, for example, they become vulnerable to many smoking-related health problems, such as COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) and the risk of cot death will increase.

Adults who endure passive smoking for a long period of time are also at an increased risk of heart disease and lung cancer. Tobacco is also an irritant, therefore it can make conditions such as asthma in adults and children worse.

What are the benefits of quitting smoking?

It’s never too late to quit smoking with Tower Counselling. Whatever age you are, if you make the decision to stop, we can help you and ultimately your health will benefit. 

There are many benefits to stopping smoking, including:

  • People will not see you and your smoking as anti-social
  • You will have more energy
  • Improved immune system
  • Your life expectancy will increase as the likelihood of serious illness or disease will decrease
  • You will breath more easily
  • Less stress
  • Younger looking skin
  • You will have more money

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