Forest Bathing and Mindful Walking

Forest Bathing and Mindful Walking

At the  Ayurva Clinic we  offer you a variety of activities in the beautiful Bulgarian country side to help you reconnect with yourself and your surroundings

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Forest bathing is the English translation of the Japanese term 'Shinrin-yoku' and does not have anything to do with swimming. It is the practice of wandering amongst trees and woodland while bringing attention to your senses and noticing the overlooked obvious. There are elements of slowing down and letting go of driven doing, allowing a playfulness and intuitiveness to come to our experience.

Forest bathing also has roots in mindfulness, especially mindful walking. It is also watered by many sources such as the Romantic poets, science and art. Both the ancient and contemporary nature based paths of Druidism, mythology and the sense of being connected to places feed into it at times.

Mindful Walking is a form of walking meditation.  Just as

mindfulness is the practice of bringing your attention to the present moment, mindful walking is the practice of becoming aware of your

surroundings and how your body and mind feel while moving.  It gives

us an opportunity to gather our awareness which so often becomes distracted, or even stuck, when the mind is left to its own devices.   It provides us with an opportunity, through paying attention, to guide ourselves out of the distracted autopilot we live in throughout so much of our day.  Paying attention in this way, we stay safe by remaining fully aware of whatever is around.

It can include elements of forest bathing, but an ancient woodland isn't something that everyone has access to. We offer walks in other interesting spaces too whether filled with spectacular plants, rare trees or monuments to our past. Each of us guides a little differently, doing so from the heart rather than from a script and we often tailor the experience to the space and place. We hope you will join us soon.

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